New Fingerprints
● 以九大生活主題單元為主軸。在多元智能、多樣化活動與多感官教學之下,訓練孩子直接以英文思考,成為獨立的學習者,建立孩子表達的自信心。
● 每一單元有多首好聽的歌曲、chant、會話及故事內容,歌曲易學上口,螺旋向上的編輯特色,讓學習效果更加。
● 跨學科統整的研發理念,跨探索美勞、自然科學、數理邏輯、家藝等其他科學領域,可刺激語
Fingerprints is an innovative course in American English, which offers children a hands-on art science, math or cookery project to language learning and builds cross-curricular skills. It features:
- a controlled lanuguage syllabus based on mine child-centered themes
- cross-curricular activities to simulate language used in the context of other subject areas
- full-color stickers to reinforce key vocabulary
- an extensive program of songs, chants and dialogs
- a well known fairytale, which children can prepare as an end-of-year production
For the teachers, the interleaved Teacher's Guide provides:
- full support for planning and assessment
- vocabulary games in every unit
- ideas for an interactive bulletin board featuring displays and open-ended practice activities
- options for further developing early literacy
Each level of Fingerprints consists of a Student Book, Activity Book, Teacher's Guide and Audio Program (available on CD). Posters and Picture Cards for use with all three levels are contained in the Activity Pack, and an interactive CD-ROM allows children to practice and review language at their own pace.
- 主題
- 會話
- 說和做
- 活動
- 複習
- 故事時間
- 主本
- 活動本
- 數字本
- 字母本
- 全英CD(2片)與閃卡
- 親子手冊 8全英教師手冊 8中文幼教師手冊 9閃卡 0主題海報 0活動海報
- 會話海報
- Show&Tell海報
- 互動式學習光碟